Pretty fun! No issues... Yet
Not the most clever concept in a game. Is what it is. Adverts annoy but have to expect them to keep interfering. Problem I have is that despite turning off sounds and music in the settings, every time yet another advert appears, it has loud sound that blurts out. There can be a mute on that advert, but minutes later, up comes another and the sound is back. At least kill the adverts audio aswell if sound has been turned off in the settings.. Deleted this as there are others that don't annoy
Very nice 🙂
Fun game!
Enjoyable difference game, that uses real pictures, and doesn't burden us with a timer! Good mix of difficulties from easy to pretty darn obscure. Dropped a star because of the occasional add that won't close, or open further, forcing you to shut down, and then restart the game.
Enjoy this game
Crave this game! It's not easy, not hard, just a moderate challenge.